WWE 2k16 is out what are the superstars and divas up to today? catch up on everythimg fan related on ACE Universe now including a brand new community. Only on PS4!
Make sure your caws are ready for download and you have a bio ready for your roster or else you might not be featured on the show this year! Be prepared for the road ahead with a head held high and a title on your shoulder live the dream enjoy & have some fun...
A looming court cases shakes the franchise as Hater sues the company for Drake Dallas actions. Hater is on a rampage and with half of the Dallas bros out will Gabriel Dallas have the balls to show up in court and defend the company? We might just be going out of business over these events.
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POWER 25 can you make it on the list this year?
New Community Creations art coming soon for download.
Are you ready for everything ACE check out our ppvs pg new ones coming soon this year plus some name changes.
The life of a legend told in Universe. Brand new superstar showcase stories featured.
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